[Past Lines 2018]

Past Lines (2018) is a series of 3 photos. The ties are a symbol of Male structures that are now up in the air, a time for change.

Idrottsminnen, Konsthall 16 at Riksidrottsmuseet, Stockholm

[ Febr 17-May 12] A new opened Konsthall in Stockholm for the meeting of Art and Sports. In their permanent collection of Tore A Jonasons they added my photo Anywhere and Everywhere and the video commoncause. It’s on view in the show ”Sports Memories” in great company with works by  Ernst Billgren,…

Publicerat/Published – The History of the Photobook in Sweden

[Febr 8-March 10 2019] Publicerat är den första utställningen som belyser fotobokens historia i Sverige, med de första exemplen från 1860-talet fram till dagens omfattande utgivning. Utställningen innehåller 200 titlar baserade på tre centrala teman inom fotografi:Samhället, Jaget och Bilden. Som del av utställningen…

Touring Videoshow with Videogud in Sweden

The theme for the Spring Tour is choreography of Power. Febr 6-27,2019: Somewhere Else – Maria Friberg March 21 – April 10, 2019: Driven – Monika Larsen Dennis & Maria Friberg Driven Bodies sway, black silhouettes against a white background,…

STHLM Forever | Fotografiska Stockholm

[November 30-February 17, 2019] Fotografiska | STHLM Forever. Finally, it’s time: Fotografiska’s extensive Stockholm exhibition is here! A group exhibition that has been longed for since Fotografiska opened. As subject matter, Stockholm has great appeal to locals and visitors alike.…