Boys are us – Solo show at Kulturhuset, Stockholm
Boys are us – Kulturhuset, Galleri 3, Stockholm 26/1-8/4 2008
Boys are us – Kulturhuset, Galleri 3, Stockholm 26/1-8/4 2008
In Commoncause (2008) Friberg looks at the social problems and promise presented by masses of humans without any obvious bodies depicted. She wrapped 300 half-deflated basketballs in black velvet and…
Alongside us.
Serien ”Embedded” började som en undersökning av förhållandet mellan den naturliga världen och den kulturellt betingade världen. Som titeln antyder handlar det om en känsla av säkerhet, om att bli…
Endless limit as a commission for IKEA, Tel Aviv (2007).
Alongside us (2007), commission proposal for a 100 meter long wall, Barnängsgatan, Stockholm.
In her still lives series Friberg brings the full power of her photographic medium to bear on the question of objecthood in art history. Imaging her figural subjects in an…
Embedded in Stockholm 2006. Commission proposal for the subway stop, Skanstull in Stockholm. A 4-channel video installation.
Still lives #3 was commissioned for The Royal Institute of Technology’s board room (in Stockholm) Size 3×4 meters.